Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Recently Released Study Confirms What Happens To Our Bodies When We Walk Barefoot

Grounding or ‘earthing,’ involves laying down your feet on the ground directly, without your socks or shoes blocking them. This is a way of revitalizing and getting the real effect of the energy emitted from the Earth – a charge that is known to be electron-rich, acting as an optimal source of antioxidants. When you are grounded, stress hormone levels inside your body begin to normalize, which can help you in numerous ways. All you need in order to get grounded is to go outside and leave your socks and shoes behind. It is just that simple!

Grounding Fosters Physiological Well-Being

Grounding Fosters Physiological Well-Being


According to a study titled ‘Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth’s Surface Electrons’ published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health, earthing could act as a prospective treatment for a range of chronic degenerative diseases (1). It concludes that the practice of grounding could play an essential role in your health, in the same manner that clean air, water, physical activity, and sunshine does.

With the modern lifestyle, it has become rather common to not have a direct physical contact with the surface of the Earth. However, this disconnect could act as a major cause for sickness and physiological dysfunction. Reconnection with the electrons on the Earth could promote fascinating physiological changes, which lead to one’s well-being.

Grounding Protects You From Health Disorders

Grounding Protects You From Health Disorders


Another research postulates that by walking barefoot outside, humans can protect themselves from many different common health disorders (2). If you really think about it, this is simply how humans were intended to be. It basically represents the most natural state of our being, without any cover on the feet. There are various ways in which you can increase your grounding exposure, such as being barefoot while working on the computer desk, walking outdoors, or even while sleeping. These are more lifestyle-friendly and convenient approaches to grounding.

Some of the beneficial effects of grounding on human health include:

  • Improved sleep.
  • Normalized day-night cortisol rhythm.
  • Reduced body pain.
  • Decreased stress.
  • Increased heart rate variability.
  • Speedy wound healing.
  • Reduced blood viscosity.

Major Healing Benefits Of Grounding

Major Healing Benefits Of Grounding


As discussed above, scientific research backs up the fact that earthing heals the human system while keeping it protected and helped. Here are some of the major benefits that have been reported in studies:

  •  Reduced Inflammation & Pain
    Results of a small study indicated that grounding during sleep time reduces the nighttime cortisol levels while synchronizing the natural cortisol hormone secretion (3). Free radicals that aid inflammation can be reduced by grounding. It is imperative to handle inflammation, since it can give rise to other dangerous diseases.
  •  Decreased Stress Levels
    Cortisol is a significant part of the body’s stress response and helps in regulating the blood glucose levels and metabolism, and assists with memory formulation. A study that examined cortisol’s diurnal rhythm after sleeping grounded, showed a normalization in the rhythm (4). In addition to that, walking barefoot reduces stress levels by relaxing the mind and making it fresh.
  • Reduced Risk Of Heart Disease
    Based on research, one of the health advantages of walking barefoot includes reduction in blood clotting, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (5). Grounding seems to be one of the most simple and profound interventions to decrease the risk of any cardiovascular event.
  • Improved Circulation
    When the human body is grounded, the blood circulation improves, thereby helping in better delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the different body tissues. This was found by a study that made use of a laser speckle camera in order to quantify the facial blood flow as a response to an hour of grounding (6).

Best Ways To Get Grounded

Best Ways To Get Grounded


Most of us spend our time walking on the ground while wearing shoes and sandals with plastic or rubber soles. But these materials act as insulators, and are usually used to encase electrical wires. Hence, they also keep you disconnected from the electron flow of the Earth, which you need to stay connected to. You can choose to be barefoot or use leathe soled shoes while walking.

Optimal grounding surfaces include:

  • Sand (beach)
  • Moist grass
  • Ceramic tile
  • Bare soil
  • Concrete and brick (not sealed by paint)

Surfaces that don’t promote earthing:

  • Asphalt
  • Rubber
  • Plastic
  • Vinyl
  • Wood
  • Tar
  • Tarmac

Most of us have lost contact with the natural electrical roots, thanks to the modern lifestyle. However, the great news is that it is pretty easy to get grounded. As much as the weather and your schedule permits, go barefoot for at least 30 minutes each day. You will realize the difference it makes on your health, including the reduction of pain and stress levels. For people who cannot spare that much time, it’s best to give indoor options a try.

Additionally, invest in grounding-friendly products, like mats or chairs that can be used to remain naturally grounded while relaxing, sleeping or working around the house. Ideally, you would want to encourage this earthing experience by adding it to your daily regime.

The post Recently Released Study Confirms What Happens To Our Bodies When We Walk Barefoot appeared first on STYLECRAZE.



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