Thursday 1 February 2018

The Way You Walk Can Say Something About Your Personality

“Actions speak louder than words” is something we’ve all heard of. Most of us have even used it as a yardstick to judge the people around us as words are hardly something that can be relied upon in dire situations. And this is not really surprising considering the first-impressions-matter world we live in.

One of the things that can help you form a favorable (or maybe not-so-favorable, depending on what you’re aiming for) impression is the way you walk. In fact, the particular gait you have also serves as a sneak peek into the kind of personality you possess!

So, imagine if someone walks into a bar with a cowboy swagger. You won’t be able to help but think, “Wow, this person has confidence.” Psychologists back this up too, and have analyzed the different styles of walking to understand the true nature of people (1). Which means you should really pay attention to how you carry yourself!

Want to know what your pace can say about your personality? Keep reading. You’ll find your jaw hanging down to the floor when you see how accurate your result is!

1. Fast Walkers

1. Fast Walkers


If you walk fast, the first thought that comes to mind is that you are obviously in a hurry to go somewhere. But apart from that, fast walkers display a sort of ‘go-getter’ attitude. They tend to have a lot of energy, and their levels don’t deplete that easy. Fast walkers have an air of confidence about them as well as courage, and generally possess an attitude of zero fuss in life.

As unrealistic as it might be on their part, they expect people walking with them to keep up with their pace, as they’re not the kind to stop every 2 seconds and wait for the other person to catch up. That said, when they are walking with someone, they tend to act as guides rather than partners. Besides that, fast walkers are likely to be extroverted.

2. Slow Walkers

2. Slow Walkers


The stark opposite of fast walkers, slow walkers typically have an introverted nature. Their short strides are indicative of their relaxed attitude towards life, for which you can easily call them laidback. Slow walkers are also able to keep their cool even in trying situations, which means you won’t find them blowing their fuse that easily.

If you happen to be a slow walker, we have a word of advice for you: be careful. Not to sound too ominous, but slow walkers are more accident-prone and may encounter ill-behaved individuals on their way. Also, when you venture out at night, avoid crossing your arms. The action of crossing one’s arms shows a sense of fear and vulnerability. So, if there’s a predator out there, they’ll be automatically attracted to your lazy stride and crossed-arms pose.

3. Fast Turned Slow Walkers

3. Fast Turned Slow Walkers


Has your pace slowed down over the years? While this can be definitely attributed to aging or poor health choices, it can also indicate a shift in personality. Like for example, fast walkers are considered to be confident, while slow walkers not so much. So, if the gait of your pace reduces, it could mean that something happened to bring your confidence level down. Generally, such changes are only temporary. Besides, the converse is true as well, meaning a slow walker can turn into a fast walker too.

4. Stompers

4. Stompers


Stomping is not an everyday occurrence for most people per se, but some may walk this way for prolonged periods of time without even realizing it. Or for others, it might be just the way they walk naturally. What it says about them is that they are either angry or frustrated about something or the other in their lives. They’re generally quick-tempered and get agitated at the drop of a hat, which leads to banging the door shut and stomping out. Stomping can also indicate a childish predisposition, as mature adults do not really walk this way.

5. Quiet Walkers

5. Quiet Walkers


Quiet as a cat, such walkers almost never make that ‘cluck, cluck, cluck’ sound while walking, even if they’re wearing heels and walking on wooden floors! People who walk this way are kind of timid, shy, and reserved. Not exactly introverted, but they may take some time opening up. They may also suffer from low self-esteem. On the other hand, a quiet gait may even suggest stealth and the desire to be invisible to the crowd.

Of course, apart from these, there are other kinds of walks, such as those where people put each step forward with great difficulty. However, these indicate more about their state of physical health rather than their personality. In the end, whether you walk like an Egyptian or like the adorable klutz from a rom-com movie, your specific gait can go a long way in helping others gauge how and who you are!

The post The Way You Walk Can Say Something About Your Personality appeared first on STYLECRAZE.



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