Friday 9 March 2018

10 Situations When A Woman Can’t Forgive Or Understand Her Man

A relationship is the most beautiful thing to happen in one’s life. Your emotional quotient is at its best. But then there are times when things start descending from best to better to worse! That’s when you need to understand if you are putting up with behavior that should not be tolerated or if there is still some scope to fix things.

Let’s face it: There is no point to living in denial. If something is going wrong, we need to acknowledge it, to begin with. Only then can you address it.

So, make if you happen to see any of the following behavior from your man, make a mental note of it in order to clear the air!

1. Inexpressive Is Okay, But Not Insulting

One of the most common complaints women have is that men do not appreciate them for what they are or what they do. Well, everyone has his/her own way of displaying affection. Some do it in words, whereas others in gestures. A warm hug or cuddle may be his way of saying “thank you.”

However, if instead of expressing love, he is only looking for excuses to snub you in private or in the company of friends – it’s not done!

2. Contrasting Sensibilities

2. Contrasting Sensibilities


It’s quite normal to have very different perspectives. Both of you may have had a different upbringing and lifestyle. For instance, you may discover your partner has a very weird taste in music, movies, comedy shows or dressing sense for that matter. In such a case, try introducing him to your likes and dislikes gradually. But if he completely refuses to respect your choices, he is rigid and may not change.

3. Zero Tolerance For Abuse

A difference of opinion and (constructive) verbal disagreements are bound to be there in any relationship. Still, you have to strictly draw a line when it comes to abuse of any kind – verbal or physical. If you let go the first time, hoping things would get better in the future, you are sadly mistaken. Things will only get worse!

4. Caring Or Dominating

4. Caring Or Dominating


There is a thin line between care and control. If your partner insists on driving you back home when you’ve worked till late at office, he is being protective. But if he constantly keeps interrupting you with calls when you are partying and throws a fit on meeting up the next time, he is being a control freak.

5. Two-Timing Type

Men who grow up in the company of women are more sensitive to the needs of the opposite sex. It’s absolutely fine if he has good women friends. In fact, if he encourages you to make friends with them, nothing like it.

But of course, if there’s something fishy, it doesn’t take much time to smell it. When you meet any of his female colleagues or friends in his presence and sense a discomfort in him – there’s more to it than meets the eye.

6. Punishment Is Not Acceptable

6. Punishment Is Not Acceptable


In any relationship, it is but natural to take offence to what others say at some point in time. Talking about it and sorting out the matter is the way to go.

But if your man takes a gross offense to something you unintentionally uttered or did and punishes you, he is stretching it way too far. This behavior needs to be confronted as it may cause harm to your relationship even in the future.

7. Lazy And Sulky All The Time

We all go through low phases, ups and downs in our professional and personal spheres. It is also very understandable that we need some space and time to deal with it.

However, if your boyfriend is forever narrating sob stories of how things didn’t work out his way, wake up! Instead of improving the situation if he is drifting into drinking and drugs, it’s time to take a call.

8. Frugal Or Miserly!

8. Frugal Or Miserly!


Now, let’s admit that as women, we enjoy retail therapy much more than men do. Your partner’s disinterest in shopping is well understandable. However, if he expresses a serious discontent at your shopping habits and rarely spends on himself and yourself, the bitter truth is – he is a miserly man!

9. Loves Me, Loves Me Not

We have heard people often say that women and men are wired differently. Your guy may not text message or call you with the same frequency as you do. But if he doesn’t initiate the requests for dates even after months of being together, you need to talk. And if the conversation leads nowhere, give it a thought.

10. Not Helping With Household Chores

10. Not Helping With Household Chores


It’s a social reality that many men are not actively involved in household tasks, at least as much as women are. But many of them pitch in for help when they are back from work. So, if your partner thinks it’s only your job to do the cooking, dishes, and laundry, it is unacceptable.

Matters of the heart need to be dealt with practicality. This will help you in keeping the disagreements at bay and make your relationship fruitful, provided it is nurtured by mutual respect and love.

The post 10 Situations When A Woman Can’t Forgive Or Understand Her Man appeared first on STYLECRAZE.



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