Wednesday 14 March 2018

11 Ways In Which Your Partner’s Health Affects Your Own

You must have heard of the saying that “couples who live together look alike,” right? Well, when you’re in a serious relationship, you are bound to pick up certain very specific traits of your partner.

Unfortunately, not all you pick up from your partner is small or insignificant. Some of these things, especially your partner’s health status, have the potential to severely affect your own health. In more ways than one, in fact.

Wondering how? Here are 11 ways in which your partner’s health affects yours!

1. Sleep

1. Sleep


As you know, when you hit the sack at night, your body goes through five stages of sleep, each of which is equally important in getting a good night’s rest (1). Once you start sharing your bed with your partner, your sleep quality may go for a nosedive. This is because a partner who’s in the habit of tossing and turning can disturb your sleep and lead to the reduction of restorative sleep time (2).

2. Forms Of Addiction

Is your partner an alcoholic? Or into other forms of addiction such as caffeine or even street drugs? If that is the case, there are high chances that you may pick these habits from your partner. This happens because you feel the pressure to participate in the activities your partner is indulging in.

3. Smoking

3. Smoking


If your partner is a chain-smoker it has the potential to affect your health even when you don’t smoke yourself at all. The reason for this is that passive smoking is also quite harmful (3). That said, if both of you smoke and one of you is trying to quit, that may seem harder because your partner may not be on the same page.

4. Diet

Eating healthy is important to staying healthy. But when you start spending a lot of time with someone, you may find yourself picking up their eating habits. Including the unhealthy ones. So, for example, if your partner is a junk food addict, you may find yourself reaching out for that donut more often than ever.

5. Infections

5. Infections


From the common cold to more severe infections such as sexually transmitted ones, there are high chances of you contracting these if you share the same roof as your partner. Now it’s common to believe that if you get an STI from your partner, they’re cheating on you. But that’s not true as STIs such as HPV can also be contracted if you’ve been in a monogamous relationship for ages (4).

6. Exercise

Love exercising in the morning but your partner doesn’t? Chances are that’s really going to affect your schedule and you may find it difficult to keep up day after day. Besides, if you wake up early in the morning, you may disturb your partner’s sleep, which can adversely affect their health as you already know.

7. Mental Health Issues

7. Exercise


Increased stress levels, poor sleep, and poor diet are some of the ways in which your partner’s mental health problems can affect you. Hence, try not to take on the responsibility of fixing your partner’s problems on your own shoulders. Instead, encourage them to seek professional help.

8. Support And Care

When your partner is sick or injured, the responsibility of taking care and supporting your partner falls on you. This can take a toll on you. Along with the added stress, you may have to physically support your partner, which can weigh you down. Besides, the extra chores and managing doctor’s appointments can leave you weary.

9. Pregnancy

9. Pregnancy


Even though only the woman gets pregnant, the regular routine of her partner’s life is also disrupted to a great extent. Many husbands report gaining weight because their wives eat more when pregnant (5). Besides, men may experience stress for future planning for the baby as well as carrying out chores, which the woman is unable to in the 3rd trimester.

10. Stress

Caused by an increase in the production of the hormone ‘cortisol,’ stress is almost contagious (6). So, when your partner is stressed, you’re likely to feel the heat too. This can be damaging in the long run as continued stress can cause your blood sugar levels to spike, which can lead to other complications.

11. Menopause

11. Menopause


Just like pregnancy can hinder the sex life of a couple, so can menopause. But that’s not all. Something called as ‘hot flashes’ also take place during menopause and result in profuse sweating, which demands a constant change of temperature as well as bedsheets (7). Besides, there are mood swings too, which can be difficult to handle.

All of this may sound very depressing. But if both of you together make the effort to stay healthy, these issues may not have the power to affect you at all!

The post 11 Ways In Which Your Partner’s Health Affects Your Own appeared first on STYLECRAZE.



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