Thursday, 1 March 2018

12 Simple Remedies To Make Your Home Pest-Free Without Chemicals

Imagine this little scenario, you are leaving your house for a bit and have left the windows or some door open without even realizing. In such an event, you will surely be welcomed by some guests you never wanted in the first place – pests. Let’s face it nobody really enjoys unwanted guests. Especially if these guests are frustrating insects. These pesky creatures make our lives worse and that is exactly why getting rid of them becomes the mission of our lives.

There are countless of options available in the market to get rid of them. Yet the most important drawback about these options is their chemical composition, which is more than often hazardous and poses a serious threat to our health. These products surely help you get rid of the pests temporarily. But, at the same time, they also pollute the environment of your house, which can be especially dangerous if you have pets or children or both.

But not to worry, there is an option that is easy in terms of accessibility, effectiveness, and also safety. And not only will these options leave your homes pest-free, they will also have your sanctuaries smelling fresh and fragrant to boot!

The first way out is to make aromatic plants your best friends as they have a high ‘volatile oil’ content. They create a fragrance that attracts good bugs, which pollinate said plants and repel the unwanted insects in your home in the process. Hence, it is advisable to grow plants with a strong fragrance, like thyme, lavender, rosemary, and sage. They are amazing when it comes to shooing the unwanted insects away. Hence, they make the most amazing ‘homemade’ insect repellant without causing any harm.

So, that was just one way that is more or less preventive in nature. In the section below, we are going to discuss 12 more effective cures to get rid of pests for a longer duration, thereby making your life easier. It is interesting to see that the ingredients of the potions are mostly from your own kitchen and it will amaze you how very effective their alternate uses are.

Let’s get back to our mission and scrutinize articles from your kitchen!

1. Cedar

1. Cedar


Befriend cedar if you want to save those beautiful dresses and clothing items. It effectively safeguards your clothing articles against hungry moths.

2. Citrus Peels

We are sure you never thought of this before! The seemingly useless orange peels can do wonders if you are struggling with spiders. Just place them in the corners of your house and we promise you, you won’t have to deal with those unwanted webs anymore.

3. Garlic

3. Garlic


Garlic adds amazing flavor to your food, but that’s not all. It can also help keep mosquitos at bay! You can add a good enough amount of garlic for consumption as well as keep some in your house. But make sure you don’t do that in excess, for we don’t want your entire house to smell like garlicky.

4. Lemon And Eucalyptus Oil

This is another effective solution for mosquito problems. You can use room fresheners containing lemon and eucalyptus oil to banish those pesky mosquitos away for longer.

5. White Vinegar

5. White Vinegar


White vinegar is an amazing option if you are struggling with ants in your house. Spraying white vinegar in all the ant-prone areas is a highly effective treatment and makes sure that they don’t come back.

6. Regular Cleaning

Sounds like a no-brainer, but a reminder doesn’t hurt! Cleaning ensures that there is no residue left, which can create conditions that promote the growth of any pests. Mostly insects thrive in dark and damp corners of our houses. Hence, make sure that your house is well lit and is regularly cleaned to avoid those pests.

7. Cinnamon

7. Cinnamon


Sweet smelling cinnamon is something all of us enjoy in our desserts, but bugs hate it! Sprinkling little cinnamon in the areas where you frequently locate bugs can effectively help you get rid of them.

8. Baby Powder

Baby powder is gentle for baby skin, but harsh for pests! So, take advantage of this situation by sprinkling some around your house in order to keep the unwanted elements away.

9. Chalk

9. Chalk


A lot of pest repellants are available in the form of chalks, as they are the archenemy of insects. This is especially the case for ants, as they absolutely loathe it, which is why it’s a very effective treatment against them.

10. Cucumber

Cucumbers are one of the best ingredients if you are trying to shed those extra kilos. But do you know that leaving cucumber slices on your kitchen counter from time to time will help you get rid of ants? Try it!

11. Dryer Sheets

11. Dryer Sheets

Source: Instagram

If you are planning a long camping trip then this is a must-have. Dryer sheets are easily available and the chemicals that make up dryer sheets keep mosquitos at a distance.

12. Onions

Just like garlic, they are another from your kitchen favorites. You can use it to banish bugs and insects away.

So, here was the list of simple and easy-to-find ingredients from your everyday life that can help you be rid of those annoying pests. Try them and let us know what you feel about it in the comments below!

The post 12 Simple Remedies To Make Your Home Pest-Free Without Chemicals appeared first on STYLECRAZE.



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