Tuesday 6 March 2018

6 Zodiac Signs You Will Never Win A Fight Against

It’s just nicer when everybody gets along, isn’t it? Who likes fighting and clashing and having a difference of opinion all the time anyway.

6 of the zodiac signs like it, that’s who! Making up half the sun signs out there, these signs sure love a good argument. Precisely because there’s no winning with them!

Forget about putting your ego aside and saving the relationship when it comes to these signs. They know how to have the last word, and they will have it whether you like it or not! So, if you end up having an argument with people who belong to these zodiac signs, you can pretty much throw reconciliation out the window.

Are you one of these 6 sun signs who could win the national debate without batting an eyelid? It’s time to find out!

1. Aries (21st March To 19th April)

1. Aries (21st March To 19th April)


Don’t even think about. Oh no. Don’t ever fight with someone who has Aries as their sun sign. Aries people can be very friendly, sure, but once you disrespect them, its hellfire! They won’t take to it kindly and they will make sure that neither do you. An Aries person is extremely competitive and will go to any lengths to make sure they come out right at the top in whatever they do. Which means that if you happen to fight with them, you can’t pretty much expect them not to quit until they get their way. It’s true. Fight with them once and you will regret it!

2. Gemini (21st May To 20th June)

2. Gemini (21st May To 20th June)


The truly witty kind, be prepared to get a lot of sarcastic comments when you cross words with a Gemini. Just like their Aries cousins, the Geminis like to stay ahead of the game and a step above everyone else. In fact, before you can start an argument with them, they already know how they are going to counter every point you make, sealing their victory way before you’re done. Geminis also love to bicker and be sour – not because they want to incite others to fight, but just because they love being right about everything and they love letting that be known too – in loud and clear words. Try fighting with one and you’d give up out of exhaustion.

3. Leo (23rd July To 22nd August)

3. Leo (23rd July To 22nd August)


Ever heard about poking a sleeping lion? You’re not supposed to do it, so why would you want to argue with a Leo? But in the off-chance you happen to accidentally upset a Leo anyway, brace yourself for an audibly loud emotional outburst! And don’t even for a second think it’s going to be a joyride arguing with them because it’s not. Leo people are very, very confident and they’ll have you believe that they’ve won the argument even when they’re not close to winning. They have this natural inclination to lead, so they’ll do it any which way.

4. Virgo (23rd August To 22nd September)

4. Virgo (23rd August To 22nd September)


“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!” Well, while all those who come under Virgo might not be women, but that saying pretty much applies to them. They are the moody kind so you’re better off leaving them alone. Pester them, and you will make them angry and irritable! A Virgo person pays attention to detail, so once the fight starts, they’ll dig up a lot of dirt on you just to win. Virgos are critically analytical that way, which kind of makes them mostly always right. So, just let them have their way.

5. Scorpio (23rd October To 21st November)

5. Scorpio (23rd October To 21st November)


Intelligent, analytical, and with zero tolerance for crap, you can pretty much guess how Scorpions handle an argument. Even though at first, they’ll show kindness and respect for your viewpoints (that is if they like you), but if you do not reciprocate it, they’ll be quick to withdraw and unleash their true fury. Which means you’re in trouble! They won’t do anything in the heat of the moment, but once the water’s cool, they’ll carry out their elaborate revenge plan.

6. Taurus (23rd April To 23rd May)

6. Taurus (23rd April To 23rd May)


Hello? Angry Bull? Doesn’t that sound scary? Well, that’s how Taureans are! True to their nature, when they get super angry, well, they get super angry. Their general nature though is the exact opposite. They are passionate, calm, and even happy-go-lucky, that is until they get upset. Then it’s bad news for you. A Taurean will give you a warning when they’re about to lose their top, like that crazy look in their eye or the flaring of the nose. Take heed and run for your life!

Making anyone angry intentionally is never a good thing. But with these particular signs, it’s even worse! So, if you ever happen to find yourself in a situation where you’ve angered them, keep calm and face the music!

The post 6 Zodiac Signs You Will Never Win A Fight Against appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

from STYLECRAZE http://ift.tt/2FWRNao


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