Wednesday 14 March 2018

7 Things You Should Say To Your Partner Every Day

Keeping the fire burning in a relationship is one of the toughest things in life. The beginning is always good. However, as time goes by, we start taking each other for granted and before we know it the passion would have fizzled out and long gone. What can we do or say to our partner to re-kindle lost love and bring back the excitement of those initial days? Is buying meaningful gifts every day a good idea? How do we express ourselves every day to keep the relationship strong?

Words have a powerful impact on relationships. What we say and how we say it can make or break a relationship. Experts, after years of dealing with separations and observing happy couples, say that there are very simple thumb rules to a relationship. Things we say to each other matters – saying ‘thank you’ for cooking dinner or simply asking your partner about the day helps you and your partner relax and spend some light moments and keep the love alive in your relationship.

So, if you haven’t been feeling the intimacy and love in your relationship these days, here are 7 things you should tell your partner to revive the lost spark!

1. Say, “I Love You”

1. Say, “I Love You”


This is the simplest, shortest, sweetest, and the most romantic thing you can say to your partner to brighten the day. A simple “I love you” every day can do wonders – your partner will look at you with adoration and also respect you more while sending the same vibe across to you. Experts all over the world vouch for this.

2. Tell Him/ Her Why

Go a step further and express in clear words why you love him. This will encourage him to respond similarly, leading to a healthy relationship that nourishes both you and your partner, causing you to grow more in love, be open about your feelings, and have a positive outlook.

3. Say, “Thank You”

3. Say, “Thank You”


Two simple words can turn around a hectic day to a happy day. Your partner might have come back tired after a long and chaotic day at work and yet taken the effort to cook a decent dinner for you, while you went out to put away the trash. So, say, “Thank you.” The day’s tiredness and confusion will immediately go away and you will experience peace and calm, giving you the time and mind space to have a good and fruitful conversation before you call it a day.

4. “You Are The Best”

Relationship experts believe that complimenting each other brings partners closer. All of us need to be reminded every now and then about how good we are. A compliment not only raises our self-esteem and feeling of worthiness, but it also helps build trust and love. Compliments need not be for big achievements in the work front, it can be a simple “You are the best!” for helping you decide on a dress for a party you are attending.

5. “You Are Hot”

5. “You Are Hot”


Who does not like to be called beautiful? We are all beautiful in our own way, but a little reminder doesn’t hurt. Look your partner in the eye every morning before leaving for work, and tell him how hot he is and how attracted you are to him/ her. Apart from rekindling the romance, these simple words also boost confidence, lift our spirit, and make us feel loved.

6. “Let Me Help You”

A helping hand is always welcomed with a smile without any exception. Make it a point to let your partner know that you are there to share the burden. Be it a simple task of arranging the cupboard or a bigger task of completing a project at work, make sure you are there beside each other. Experts say that helping each other is a sign of empathy and teamwork, which can keep resentment at bay.

7. “How Was Your Day?”

7. “How Was Your Day”


Partners sometimes get into ugly fights for no apparent reason and go into silence for days. They fail to understand each other because they have not spoken about what is going on in their lives outside of the house.

But “How was your day?” is an effortless, non-assuming question that helps solve so many problems and resolve so many differences. It shows that you care for your partner, you are interested in knowing about their day, that you are compassionate, and that s/he means the world to you.

Mean What You Say

Words can either bring you closer or push you apart. Careless words of anger can bring in a lot of unpleasantness and even burn bridges. It is easy to find faults and go your separate ways. However, it takes careful consideration and great effort to build a good relationship. So, instead of saying something hurtful and regretting later, once the storm has caused destruction beyond repair, it is wiser to remain calm and carefully choose your words. So, say what you mean and mean what you say to have a long and healthy relationship.

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The post 7 Things You Should Say To Your Partner Every Day appeared first on STYLECRAZE.



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