Wednesday 7 March 2018

One-Minute Stretching Exercises To Help Reduce Back Pain

Just like breathing and an affinity for cat memes, back pain can be considered a universal human experience. We all suffer from it at some point in our lives. But it is especially those of us (those poor, poor little mortals) who happen to work at desk jobs, spending hours sitting uncomfortably stationary and staring fixedly at a computer screen – it’s us that can claim to be very well-acquainted with the notorious torment of pain in one’s back. In fact, so prevalent is back pain as a complaint at firms that several organizations and companies have actually created ‘special areas’ for their employees (and their backs) to get some rest.

But if your company hasn’t been so thoughtful, you’ve probably got to fend for yourself. However, worry not for we have come to save the day! We at StyleCraze have compiled a list of the most effective one-minute exercises that can aid in strengthening the muscles in your back, thereby preventing any future pain. And the best part? Since they’re so short in duration and hassle-free, you can perform these exercises wherever you are!

Here’s the lowdown on what you can expect:

  • Zone of workout: Any solid and flat surface such as the floor or even a large, sturdy table.
  • Duration of workout: 1 minute for each exercise.
  • Best time for workout: Morning, noon or evening – depends on your convenience!
  • Ideal frequency of workout: Every day.

So, let’s get cracking then!

1. Stretches To Strengthen The Spine

This set of exercises will target your back and abdominal muscles. If you’re performing them correctly, you can expect to feel a light and smooth stretching in your lower back.

Stretch 1

Stretches To Strengthen The Spine _01



  • Place both knees over at one side while your head is turned in the opposite direction.
  • Keep your shoulders fixed, idle, and pushed downwards to the floor.
  • Now keep in this position for roughly 10 seconds, then switch to the other side.

Reps: 4 times.

Stretch 2

1. Stretches To Strengthen The Spine __02


  • Lie with your back on the floor and stretch your left leg while you bend the right one.
  • Next, tilt the bent right knee outwards as you move your head inwards.
  • Keep your shoulders fixed throughout.

Reps: 20 times.

Stretch 3

1. Stretches To Strengthen The Spine __03


  • One at a time, gently tilt each knee to face one side while turning the head to face the opposite direction.
  • Then repeat by switching sides.

Reps: 10 tilts.

2. Exercises To Strengthen The Thoracic Spine

This set of exercises will target and strengthen your middle back and abdominal muscles. If you’re performing them correctly, you should expect to feel a smooth stretching sensation in your lower back.

Exercise 1

2. Exercises To Strengthen The Thoracic Spine_1


  • Go into the starting position – i.e. go into plank position but instead of balancing your body weight upon your toes, balance instead upon your bent knees.
  • Now take a deep breath in and arch your back.
  • Freeze into this position for roughly 20 to 30 seconds and focus on your breathing.
  • An alternate variant: Go into the starting position but instead of arching your back, bend your back in the direction towards the floor. Remain frozen in this position for 20 to 30 seconds as well before repeating.

Reps: 2 times for each variant.

Exercise 2

2. Exercises To Strengthen The Thoracic Spine_2


  • Once again enter the starting position – go into plank position but keep your knees bent.
  • Now, arch your back and focus on your breathing. Remain in this arched position as you gently lift your right knee and bring it up towards your chest then attempt to touch and make contact with your forehead.
  • Once your knee and forehead touch, straighten out your right leg while keep your held pose parallel to the floor below.
  • Return to your starting position and repeat with the left leg.

Reps: Keep a slow pace and do it 10 times per set.

3. Exercises To Strengthen The Lumbar Spine

This set of exercises mainly target your abdominal muscles, but in the process, they also strengthen your lumbar spine. If you’re performing them correctly, you should expect to feel a light tension in your abs.

Exercise 1

3. Exercises To Strengthen The Lumbar Spine_1


  • Go into starting position: Lie with your back on the floor, knees bent upwards, and your arms folded beneath your head.
  • Now, push the pelvic area downwards, to the floor. Concentrate on your breathing.
  • As you exhale, allow your rib cage to lift upwards.

Reps: 10 times.

Exercise 2

3. Exercises To Strengthen The Lumbar Spine_1


  • Go into starting position: Lie with your back on the floor and your legs loose and prepared to be extended.
  • Now, pull your right knee to your left elbow (the elbow must remain fixed on the floor).
  • Next, straighten your right knee but don’t place it back on the floor. Simultaneously, repeat the same movement on your left knee.

Reps: 10 times.

There you have it – 3 sets of exercises to strengthen back muscles. Do perform them and let us know of your experience in the comments below!

The post One-Minute Stretching Exercises To Help Reduce Back Pain appeared first on STYLECRAZE.



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