Thursday 8 March 2018

7 Ways To Stop Loving Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Back

Spring may be the season of new love for all those who the cupid manages to catch in a chokehold, but it is also a season of heartbreaks. Yes, believe it or not, many people’s Valentines do not agree to be their, well, Valentines. Thus, giving rise to what Shakespeare wrote about in abundance, the ‘unrequited love.’

There’s probably nothing as painful as the pain of one-sided love. But you know what? If you’re in that boat, you have it in you to get yourself out of it.

Here are 7 ways that can help you fall out of love with your unrequited love!

1. Know And Accept That They Don’t Need You

1. Know And Accept That They Don’t Need You


This might sound savagely cruel but you already know on some level that the current happiness of your beloved is a sign that they don’t need you. The time now is to accept that, and the sooner you do it, the better of you’ll be. Because think about it: Do you really want to call up someone who shows absolute lack of care and disinterest in your well-being? Do you really want condescension in exchange for your concern? No, you don’t. You deserve better!

2. Divert Your Attention

2. Divert Your Attention


Escaping the object of your desire might seem difficult but you know “out of sight, out of mind” is actually true. So, if you want to get over this person, you have to do whatever you can to stay as far away from him/her as possible. Which also means unfollowing on social media and not creating fake profiles to stalk online. Besides, you will have to try to keep your mind off of your love. So, every time a thought of the person pops into your head, divert your attention instantly.

3. Share Your Pain With A Kindred Spirit

3. Share Your Pain With A Kindred Spirit


It can be a little hard to find someone else who’s also going through unrequited love in the present moment, but you’ll be surprised to know how many of your friends have already been through it. And sharing, as you know, reduces the intensity of the hurt you feel.

So, talking about what you’re going on will not only help you get things off your chest, but you may even gain a new perspective by listening to what your friends have to say. However, don’t make the mistake of always talking about your failed love. That will only make things worse. So, ensure you draw the line.

4. Don’t Neglect Yourself

4. Don’t Neglect Yourself


The depression of being rejected can be so overwhelming that you find yourself in your jammies with a crow’s nest for hair 24×7. But that’s not healthy. When you’re down is when you need uplifting the most. Taking good care of yourself can help you achieve that.

Whenever you feel too low, don’t turn to alcohol or a pack of cigarettes. Instead, take a long bubble bath and come out of the shower with your best clothes on. Go out shopping with your friends and just try to have a good time. It’ll do your self-confidence a lot of good and will turn your pain into something positive.

5. Sweat It Out

5. Sweat It Out


In the gym! An intense workout session is a great way to release negative emotions and blow off some steam. Plus, it’s great for your health too, as you get to shape up and be a better version of you!

If you’re not into exercising at the gym, start small, such as going for a jog or a swim. You could also take up a new hobby that involves some sort of physical training, such as horse riding or dance classes. Each of these will greatly help in dealing with the frustration you feel, all the while toning your body for the better.

6. Quit Hoping

6. Quit Hoping


Even if you do everything you can to get over your beloved, somewhere at the back of your mind there might be this glimmer of hope that everything will magically work out in your favor. Your beloved will realize your importance and come running to you just like in the movies! But that doesn’t happen in real life. So, try to abandon that silly hope once and for all. Even when your beloved acts nice, that might not be love but just a way to take advantage of your vulnerability.

7. Don’t Give In To Anger

7. Don’t Give In To Anger


Failure in love is as much a part of life as failure in a math test. And while you might try hard to recover from that failure, don’t get angry when things go off-track. Such negativity can build up and lead to a pessimistic attitude, which can prevent you from finding real happiness. And you don’t want that for you. So, stop cussing and start smiling.

If all else fails, take the advice of King Solomon and remember that “This too shall pass.” Nothing lasts forever anyway, which means neither will your pain or your sadness.

The post 7 Ways To Stop Loving Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Back appeared first on STYLECRAZE.



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